
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Loan Guarantors

The loan guarantors are well-known members of the community, who can stand in for the individual client applying for a loan and can take the responsibility of the repayment of the loan in case of client's failure.

You can create a list of loan guarantors using the Loan Guarantors option in the Clients menu.

You can also import them using the Import Clients Data feature and, if you have forgotten someone, you can still add him/her to the list at the moment of entering a loan application for the individual client

How to add a Loan Guarantor

To add a new loan guarantor you go to Clients>Loan Guarantors and a screen like the one below will be displayed:


Note that the yellow fields in Loan Performer are compulsory fields. You cannot save the client details without entering this information.

Loan Performer allows you to input additional guarantor information. This includes Loan Guarantor IdentificationLoan Guarantor Address, Loan Guarantor Personal Data, Loan Guarantor Personal Other Details.

Click on the Cancel command button to exit the menu.

How to Modify\Delete the Guarantor

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